87-90 (all with cat) | 87-88 (??) | 85-89 (Euro i) | 87-88 (USA super ETA) | 82-87 (USA) | 85-87 (Euro e) | 83-85 (Euro e) | |
M20B25 8.8:1 | M20B25 9.4:1 | M20B25 9.7:1 | M20B27 8.5:1 | M20B27 9.0:1 | M20B27 10.2:1 | M20B27 11.0:1 | |
Ø: | 84 | 84 | 84 | 84 | 84 | 84 | 84 |
KH: | 34,2 | 34,2 | 34,2 | 36,2 | 35,7 | 35,7 | 35,7 |
ÜH: | 4,2 | 4,2 | 4,43 | 3,6 | 0,65 | ||
VT: | -0,4/-1,5 | -0,4/-1,5 | -2,12/-2,22 | -1,2 | -0,9 | -1,2 | |
MT: | -6,2 | -5,1 | 1,1 | ,3,5 | -2 | ||
GL: | 63,63 | 63,43 | 73,63 | 64,81 | 77,7 | 77,7 | 78,35 |
BO: | 22,0 x 54 | 22,0 x 54 | 22,0 x 54 | 22,0 x 54 | 22,0 x 54 | 22,0 x 54 | 22,0 x 54 |
Stroke | 75 | 75 | 75 | 81 | 81 | 81 | 81 |
Conrod length: | 135 | 135 | 135 | 130 | 130 | 130 | 130 |
Volume: | 2493 | 2493 | 2493 | 2692 | 2692 | 2692 | 2692 |
Deck: | 206,7 | 206,7 | 206,7 | 206,7 | 206,2 | 206,2 | 206,2 |
Piston shapes: | ![]() |
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Measurements: (All in millimeter). |
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Definition of measurements: |
Ø: Diameter of piston KH: Distance from center of wristpin bore to top of piston top. ÜH: Height of piston crown over piston top plane. VT: Depth of depression in piston crown. MT: Depth of depression in piston top. GL: Total length of piston. BO: Bore (and length) of wristpin. |
I've checked out the piston dimensions in the mahle catalog, and here are some findings: Both e and i have 84mm bores. Mahle makes 3 types of i pistons and 4 types of e pistons. The i pistons have compression: 8.8, 9.4, 9.8 :1 (Does anybody know which e engines have 10.2 and 11.0 compression?) All pistons with original rods have their top at about 206mm from the crank centerline. (Not including any bumps or dips in the piston top itself, all pistons have some sort of shape there) Some conclusions: This means that you'll probably have to use the pistons meant for that specific engine, i.e e rods and pistons for e crank and i rods and pistons for i crank, if you don't want to grind the top of the pistons down. So the question is then: for the ultimate M20 with stock parts, what will the compression of the combination e crank, 11:1 e pistons e rods and i head?? UPDATE!! I just did some calculations to figure out the compression ratios of different combinations. I used this formula to try and find the combustion chamber volume: Where: CBC = Combustion Chamber Volume. Transformed this equation gives: From which we can calculate that the CBC of an 325i engine is respectively: Early Euro 9.7:1 = 47,7 cm3 If we then change the crank to an i crank with 81mm stroke the compression ratio can be calculated with this formula derived from formula(1). From this we get the following results: Early Euro with e crank (81mm stroke): CR=10.4:1 IMPORTANT: The only way to achieve these results is with custom conrods, since the i rods are too long and the e rods too short. The 6mm longer stroke of the e will make the i pistons end up 3mm to high with the stock i rods. The solution to this is to use custom rods with length 132mm, which will provide the correct piston-to-deck height. I don't know what is the most expensive, custom pistons or custom rods, but this is one solution that would give the stock combustion chamber shape. -Paal Steinar Berg. (To be continued) |
CR= -----
(CV=氣缸容積 CCV=燃燒室容積)
理論上的壓縮比是以容積比做計算 所以並沒有單位 如何去算容積相信大家都知道=>
(D=缸徑 H=行程 CV=CC數)
您把空氣壓進一個密避空間內 假設它不會有澎漲或漏氣現象 壓進50%的空氣和壓進120%的空氣 容積會變嗎? 難道這空間會電影院一樣 人不夠座位就空著了嗎? 不會吧 那是什麼改變? 很明顯的是密度 但壓縮比公式 卻完全沒有提到密度 所以反推回去 密度會影響到理論壓縮比嗎?
更簡單的說 一顆引擎從怠速到最高轉 進氣效率都不一樣 那廠方公佈的壓縮比不就是亂掰?
當然不是 他們是說"理論"壓縮比 而不是"實際"壓縮比
增壓車也是一樣 他並不是一發動 就達最大增壓 進氣效率也是一直變動
怠速時也沒有在增壓 所以實際上的壓縮比 一直在變 所以與其說實際壓縮比 還不如
說成 最大實際壓縮比 還來的有可信度吧 不然一個會不斷變動的數值 我想不太適當
進氣門會在 top dead centre "TDC"前開 是為了在活塞下行 讓進氣門離開底台 就是為了
進氣準備^^ 讓進氣門在 bottom dead centre "BDC"之後還開啟一段時間?角度 是為了讓
擁有高速度前進的混合氣 因慣性在活塞上行時 還能擠近混合氣
在爆炸行程到BDC前 排氣門就會開啟 當爆炸壓力下降時 "PS這是說爆炸壓力下降到無法推
動活塞 就必須開啟氣門 讓氣缸壓力下降 否則活塞上行進行排氣行程 將會負擔多餘的上行
阻力" 最後進是大家耳熟能詳的 重疊時間 在過了TDC後 排氣門也會開啟一段時間 一樣是
利用氣體慣性 在氣缸和進氣管內造成部份真空 來幫助提升進氣效率